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What are the benefits of using browser-based tools?

Browser-based web tools are super convenient because there's no need to download or install anything. They're accessible from anywhere with an internet connection and automatically update, ensuring you're always using the latest version. They work across all devices and often come free, saving you money. Plus, they're designed for easy sharing and collaboration, making them ideal for team projects. In short, browser-based tools offer ease of use, cost savings, and flexibility.

Do you store my data and pics that I enter in your tools?

Absolutely not, rest assured. Every tool we offer operates directly within your browser, processing the data and images you input without ever sending them to our servers. It's all handled right on your own device for maximum privacy. For more details on how we protect your information, feel free to check out our privacy policy.

Why are the tools on available for free?

We aim to make web tools available to everyone with a computer or device, enabling you to tackle quick tasks without the hassle of downloading extra software. While there’s no need to buy any software from us, we do use ads to cover our operational costs, like server maintenance and compensating our developers and writers.

Do you offer paid plans?

All web tools are offered for free and is available for everyone to use.

Do I have to be connected to the internet to use these tools?

Our primary aim is to ensure these tools are accessible on internet-connected devices. However, we're actively working on making them available offline too. In the meantime, you can save any tool's webpage using your browser. This way, you can still use the tool even when you're not connected to the internet, like when you're on an airplane.

How do I report an issue with a tool?

Please inform us of the issue along with all pertinent details, allowing us to replicate the problem. Providing a screenshot and outlining the exact steps that led to the error would be greatly appreciated. Reach us via contact page.

How can I support you guys?

There are several ways you can demonstrate your support. You can help spread awareness about our tools on various social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and WhatsApp. Additionally, feel free to share any ideas for new tools you'd like to see on our site. Lastly, if you're interested in sponsoring our site, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.